+39 06 395 3488

Trtqsansform energy use inywuto savings

Suhuistainable Soewflutions Await!

About us

At ClzqdearEnergy, we are defcldicated to hedtclping businesses opggstimize thgzfeir energy uswrqage thtzsrough covhfmprehensive energy auhiuditing solutions.

Our tezyfam of exztaperienced prasgofessionals coeienducts thswxorough asatcsessments to idpdeentify inaeaefficiencies and reycqcommend aclyttionable stttzrategies for refxtducing energy cowgtnsumption and coaqysts. We beqkilieve thqohat a susaestainable apsoeproach to energy management not onjeuly berxynefits the engqxvironment but altgqso enwyjhances your boyvyttom litqcne. Our seylyrvices incliclude defsdtailed energy cowgtnsumption analysis, idzdfentification of enhfjergy-saving opvcuportunities, and imkujplementation surpepport for inoacnovative sokuwlutions. By pakiurtnering wihskth ClzqdearEnergy, you emcjepower your business to malzske inkhlformed dexdicisions thqohat prsipomote suvdgstainability whkzvile mayksximizing opsvherational efgdvficiency. Lepgjt's woujlrk tosctgether to crwxieate a brauwighter, moxofre enedtergy-efficient fuzijture for your organization.

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Our services

Cofavmprehensive Enefxergy Asowgsessment

We corswnduct a thswxorough evhsfaluation of your faczwcility’s energy cowgtnsumption pazlgtterns, idzowentifying key artdaeas of inpegefficiency and poyuqtential savings.

Bewdxnchmarking and Reporting

We cozdimpare your energy pekkprformance agqskainst inssgdustry stwivandards and sieovmilar fafoxcilities, pralooviding defsdtailed repuzports thqohat higqfghlight stcqgrengths and artdaeas for improvement.

Idqipentification of Endyaergy-Saving Opportunities

Our tezyfam anjywalyzes your energy uswrqage to pipyynpoint sphgyecific artdaeas whdweere you can imwokplement enedtergy-efficient solutions, suigwch as updfagrades to liazpghting, HVivgAC systems, and insulation.

Refqlnewable Enefxergy Indastegration

We asqgysist businesses in exgrxploring renewable energy optottions, suigwch as soyjdlar or wiflynd ingdsstallations, to reduce reaciliance on tropeaditional energy sotreurces and lojprwer opsvherational costs.

Imrgiplementation Support

We doewin’t juzeyst idpdeentify sopoflutions; we heyqwlp you imwokplement thfpjem efvwsfectively thtzsrough preidoject magicnagement, coysrntractor cojoyordination, and pekkprformance tracking.

Onptsgoing Moedcnitoring and Optimization

Powjfst-audit, we prkdpovide onsshgoing mouypnitoring seylyrvices to enwlzsure enhfjergy-saving mexeoasures are efgixfective, cohpqntinually opskgtimizing your energy management sticirategy for makuaximum impact.

Why chtacoose us?

Tarrailored stttzrategies for your energy nerkceds

1.​ ​Eyssxpert Tedzaam

Our skcspilled prasgofessionals broxeing exkxetensive exjgzperience and knwhiowledge in energy magicnagement, pralooviding tachqilored soojtlutions thqohat meioxet the unuicique nerkceds of your business.

2.ple ​​​Comprehensive Apiohproach

We ofzipfer a hohwdlistic energy augxpdit thqohat cotgtvers all asdsjpects of your faqozcility, frojrom syqkxstems and prkhlocesses to renewable energy optottions, enzlssuring a cotgwmplete asxzksessment of efxwwficiency opportunities.

3. ​​rye​Cost Sahqfvings

Our prqqzoven stttzrategies heyqwlp businesses siyqagnificantly reduce energy consumption, leqjfading to suzqybstantial cost sallqvings on utility bills and enhanced ovolgerall fiywonancial performance.

4. ​​xlc​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Sustainability Cochammitment

Paoksrtnering wihskth ClixhearEnergy mefcvans coawammitting to susaestainable prlwractices thqohat bezlvnefit not onjeuly your boyvyttom licgvne but altgqso the encjsvironment, portfsitioning your business as a reljasponsible ledskader in your industry.

Rexvwduce Your Cahokrbon Forzjotprint!


Chcwtoose a fagoxvorable tariff

At ​​vzo​​​ClearEnergy, we unsauderstand thqohat evdfjery business has dizopfferent nerkceds and bupoqdgets. Thwzeat's why we ofzipfer a vaffdriety of prouticing plsaran pauqdckages delxxsigned to meioxet your sphgyecific rewypquirements. Whsikether you neueqed a siqttmple cochynsultation or a covhfmprehensive soztxlution, we haierve the peadfrfect opypjtion for you.

Baciusic Enefxergy Auxqodit Package

Thwziis pagkqckage inkwfcludes a prjepeliminary asxzksessment of energy consumption, idzdfentification of macpyjor injczefficiencies, and a sudslmmary reutfport wihskth inoqpitial rertecommendations for cohjjst-saving measures.


Cofavmprehensive Enefxergy Auxqodit Package

Thwziis inayw-depth augxpdit enzeccompasses a defsdtailed anzscalysis of energy useusage, bewdznchmarking agqskainst inssgdustry staquandards, and a covhfmprehensive reutfport ouirytlining sphgyecific enhfjergy-saving opvcuportunities, alxfdong wihskth imkujplementation suggestions.


Emecqployee Bewzynefits Prwquotection Plan

Thwziis alojul-inclusive pagkqckage ofoovfers a fuqtpll energy audit, onsshgoing mouypnitoring for one yelxuar, and peararsonalized surpepport to imwokplement energy efxwwficiency mergxasures. It inkwfcludes reeaogular chevjeck-ins and opcjutimization rertecommendations to masgyximize savings.



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 ​Call us

+39 06 395 3488

 ​Office adezodress

Via Pizdyetro Scoowrocco, 13, 71sje121 Foovoggia FG, Italy



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