st Up dated: 06.01.2025
1. Introduction
This po licy ex plains wh at co okies ar e, how we use co okies, how th ird-parties we may pa rtner wi th may use co okies on the se rvice, yo ur ch oices re garding co okies, and fu rther in formation ab out cookies.
2. Wh
at Are Cookies?
Cookies are sm all te xt fi les th at are us ed to st ore sm all pi eces of in formation. Th ey are st ored on yo ur de vice wh en the we bsite is lo aded on yo ur br owser. Th ese co okies he lp us ma ke the we bsite fu nction pr operly, ma ke it mo re se cure, pr ovide be tter us er ex perience, and an alyze how the we bsite performs.
3. How We Us
es Cookies
When you use and ac cess our we bsite, we may pl ace a nu mber of co okies fi les in yo ur web br owser. We use co okies for the fo llowing purposes:
Essential Co okies: We use co okies to re member in formation th at ch anges the way the se rvice be haves or lo oks, su ch as a us er's la nguage pr eference on our website.
Analytics Co okies: We use co okies to he lp us an alyze how our vi sitors use the we bsite and mo nitor we bsite pe rformance. Th is he lps us pr ovide a hi gh-quality ex perience by cu stomizing our of fering and qu ickly id entifying and fi xing any issues.
Functionality Co okies: We use th ese co okies to re member ch oices you ma ke and pr ovide en hanced and mo re pe rsonalized features.
4. Th
ird-Party Cookies
In ad dition to our own co okies, we may al so use va rious th ird-party co okies to re port us age st atistics of the se rvice and de liver ad vertisements on and th rough the service.
5. Yo
ur Ch oices Re garding Cookies
If yo u'd li ke to de lete co okies or in struct yo ur web br owser to de lete or re fuse co okies, pl ease vi sit the he lp pa ges of yo ur web br owser. Pl ease no te th at if you de lete co okies or re fuse to ac cept th em, you mi ght not be ab le to use the fe atures we provide.
6. Ch
anges to Th is Pr ivacy Policy
We may up date our Pr ivacy Po licy fr om ti me to ti me. We wi ll no tify you of any ch anges by po sting the new Pr ivacy Po licy on th is pa ge. You are ad vised to re view th is Pr ivacy Po licy pe riodically for any ch anges. Ch anges to th is Pr ivacy Po licy are ef fective wh en th ey are po sted on th is page.
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ing th is si te, you co nsent to the use of co okies to he lp us ma ke it mo re co nvenient for you.